MINI WEEK REGISRATION: If you have a student currently studying with me, please send a text or email letting me know which option you’d like. No need to re-register! If you are a new family, please go to REGISTER HERE in the menu and complete the form.
Kindegarten - 3rd AROUND THE WORLD IN SONG!
July 1, 2, 3 MINI WEEK 3 days 5:00-6:15 (max 6 students)
July 29, 30, 31 MINI WEEK 3 days 5:00-6:15 (max 6 students)
August 26, 27, 28 MINI WEEK 3 days 5:00-6:15 (max 6 students)
Travel through melodies from every corner of the world, discover new rhythms and celebrate the rich diversity of music.
*Folk and cultural songs from Mexico, Japan, Ghana and India!
*Unique rhythms, scales and styles!
*Creative activities with a group performance on day 3!
Tuition: $245.00
July 1, 2, 3 MINI WEEK 6:15-7:45 pm (max 6 students)
July 29, 30, 31 MINI WEEK 6:15-7:45 pm (max 6 students)
August 26, 27, 28 MINI WEEK 6:15-7:45 pm (max 6 students)
This will be an epic adventure where pianists explore the sounds of their favorite games, compose their own themes and gain the skills to bring game worlds to life through music!
*Composing your own game inspired tunes.
*Team challenges and games
*Perfect for kids who like games of any kind and/or want to explore themes they may already be hearing. Not only for gamers! This is for all young pianists.
Tuition: $250.00
PRIVATE OPTION for rising 5th/6th only
If you are my current student entering 5th/6th grade and would prefer private instruction (limited to students entering 5th and 6th grade) please message me. One-hour lessons in summer: $185.00 (2 sessions minimum to maintain skills and hold spot for fall) Choose from the weeks listed for MINI WEEKS to the left or message me.